Thursday, July 26, 2007

Off to the Beach

I refuse to call this a vacation. Mainly because we have packed enough to call it a move and we are about to try our first four hour car ride with two eighteen month olds to a new place that has no gates, no drawer locks, no baby-proofed potties, plants or people and water without boundaries, bottoms or fences.

But, I'm okay. This will be my view for the next four days.

It will adventure.

So, you all have a great weekend and no, this doesn't let you off the hook for participating in the top ten list! I expect to see some exposure...ahem, some...dis-closure when I get back!

1 comment:

Shawn said...

oh, ... so jealous. i need that view. have fun! I want to hear all about it -- to easy my own fears of traveling more than 1.5 hours away.