Monday, June 09, 2008

New Directions

Once upon a time there was a girl who dreamed of plopping herself down in the sand to gaze out at the ocean for hours as she wrote the great American novel. That girl has grown up, but her dream is materializing out of warm, tropical air.

(Well, it may not be the "great American novel" but it will be a new novel that hopefully a few people will get to read.)

Times have changed since my first vision of how I'd like my life to play out. I'll probably be using my laptop instead of the more romantic pen and notepad. "Hours" may be pushing it, and--being more aware of sun damage now that I'm wiser (older)--I will probably be sitting under an umbrella instead of basking in the sun. But, I will still be reminding myself to be grateful every day that I get to experience this particular version of my personal nirvana.

So, since making this decision to move camp, lots of things have happened and must happen still. We have sold a house, bought a house, watched my daughter graduate and prepared (as prepared as one can be) to send her off to college, and tried to keep life as normal as possible for the twins in between.

It feels a lot like moving a mountain...only there is some help from inertia. We loosened the first few stones and as they came tumbling down, they loosened rocks, which loosened boulders and now we have to unbury ourselves, pack up the whole lot of rocks and rebuild the mountain eleven hours away.

Needless to say, I will be absent from blogging until I get resettled. Unless I have some really good news from the agent front to share, then I will do so briefly between stuffing/unstuffing boxes. We all need hope, right?

This blog may look different when I return. I would like to gear it more toward the things I write about in my novels. Maybe something like science updates that affect our daily lives, or specifically mother's lives. I'm not quite sure yet. I'll be mulling that over.

Any suggestions are welcomed!

(I will try to keep from feeling so disconnected and visit your blogs as I can. Thanks for reading!)


Anonymous said...

Yeah, right! I can't get you to read my blog without all these unusual circumstances. ;-p I'm definitely screwed now.

Contrary to popular belief that is not a good thing here. lol

Here's hoping you stub your toe, old (wise) lady.

Now, if we can just find you a buyer for the baby monsters, you'd be set for life. :-o Don't look at me, I can't seem to get rid of kittens!

Anonymous said...

YOU have a graduation-aged daughter? Aren't you like, 23 yourself? Sheesh! Talk about tearing down a guy's delusions! :~) Yay for you!

Shelli said...

I'm cheering for you!! I can really relate to you when you talk about how you've changed...I have too. I used to have such lofty dreams. My dreams are smaller now, but they are still alive.

I'm thrilled you are going home. I know that except for being published, I couldn't be happier with my life. And living in a place I love has a lot to do with that.

Good luck with the blog revamping! It's something I think about a lot too, but I still don't focus my blog very much.

bella said...

hope you feel settled soon.
And whenever you're back and writing here, I'll be here reading.
Thinking of you.

Alice said...

Just found your blog and really enjoyed reading it.
